The melon the melon
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who we are

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Co-founded by 22 founding advisors and investors from leading web3 protocols and consumer networks, the melon is designed to bring founders, developers, and industry leaders together to validate web3 ideas and launch new projects.

the melon's unique collection of resources, including idea validation networks, market discovery resources, legal expertise, design skills, and talent, optimally position web3 projects for fast growth.

who we are

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A qualified candidate may exude all or some of these qualities:

  • You live and breathe crypto and web3; whether you’re a long-time believer or are relatively new to the industry, you’re consumed by all things crypto.
  • You are a skilled storyteller; you have the ability to distill complex topics into simple designs that are easy for others to understand.
  • You’re creative and willing to take design risks, creating differentiated brands and product designs.
  • You are extremely well organized, seamlessly keeping track of requirements and deadlines.
  • You are agile and adaptable and are comfortable working on a broad range of projects.
  • You thrive in a fast-paced environment, and are always ready for the next challenge.

your role as designer

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This role spans both UI/UX and branding design work.

  • Work with founders to develop early branding for many projects building in the melon.
  • Create wireframes, mockups, app designs, and web designs for projects in the melon.
  • Work closely with founders of early stage projects, incorporating their design feedback.
  • Research emerging trends in crypto and web3 design, informing the melon about new ideas.
  • Use tools such as Figma, Photoshop, InDesign and Illustrator to bring your design concepts to life.

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